I am getting interested in more general robotics projects, but will still be relying on LEGOs for their construction. The LEGO brick is a bit too limited with its specialized programming languages and limited sensor and motor ports.
So for those interested in some LEGO electronics hacking, here is a list of supplies that will get you up and running fast for about $275… just a but more than the cost of a single Mindstorms kit. Plus you’ll now get to learn electronics!
First, check out the book:
Making Things Talk: Practical Methods for Connecting Physical Objects
This book explains how to wire, program and interconnect various microcontrollers, some of which are very closely related to those used by the NXT Brick.
Supply List
Item Number | Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total |
Amazon.com | ||||
Making Things Talk |
1 | $19.79 | $19.79 | |
Jameco.com | ||||
19166 | Desoldering Pump | 1 | $4.95 | $4.95 |
159291 | Wire Stripper | 1 | $10.15 | $10.15 |
161411 | Diagonal Cutter | 1 | $7.49 | $7.49 |
35474 | Needlenose Pliers | 1 | $5.49 | $5.49 |
127271 | Mini Screwdriver | 1 | $1.89 | $1.89 |
681002 | Helping Hands | 1 | $8.75 | $8.75 |
159611 | Power Connector | 2 | $1.79 | $3.58 |
10444 | Alligator Test Clip Leads | 2 | $4.39 | $8.78 |
103377 | Header Pins | 10 | $0.16 | $1.60 |
119011 | Push Button (PCB Type) | 10 | $0.27 | $2.70 |
29082 | Potentiometer | 2 | $1.05 | $2.10 |
242115 | LM1117T-3.3 Voltage Regulator | 3 | $1.39 | $4.17 |
51262 | 7805T 5v Voltage regulator | 3 | $0.32 | $0.96 |
38236 | 2N2222A Transistor NPN | 5 | $0.41 | $2.05 |
32993 | TIP120 Power Transistor | 5 | $0.45 | $2.25 |
643488 | 3.3V Zener Diode | 5 | $0.03 | $0.16 |
35991 | 1N4004 Diode | 5 | $0.04 | $0.20 |
152792 | LED Yellow | 10 | $0.17 | $1.70 |
152805 | LED Red | 10 | $0.21 | $2.10 |
153139 | LED Orange | 10 | $0.35 | $3.50 |
156962 | LED Green (567 nm) | 10 | $0.20 | $2.00 |
334529 | LED Bargraph Red | 1 | $1.31 | $1.31 |
334537 | LED Bargraph Yellow | 1 | $1.23 | $1.23 |
334511 | LED Bargraph Green | 1 | $1.28 | $1.28 |
17187 | 7-segment LED Display | 3 | $0.88 | $2.64 |
38818 | 4-switch DIP | 4 | $0.48 | $1.92 |
38842 | 8-switch DIP | 2 | $0.89 | $1.78 |
103166 | Resistor Refill | 1 | $12.95 | $12.95 |
15270 | 0.1 uF | 10 | $0.15 | $1.53 |
94161 | 1 uF | 10 | $0.12 | $1.20 |
29891 | 10 uF | 10 | $0.06 | $0.60 |
158394 | 100 uF | 10 | $0.11 | $1.08 |
MPJA | ||||
4443 TE | Solderless Breadboard | 1 | $4.95 | $4.95 |
4447 TE | Large Solderless Breadboard | 1 | $22.95 | $22.95 |
7027 TE | Jumpers | 2 | $3.95 | $7.90 |
14213 TE | Digital Multimeter | 1 | $14.95 | $14.95 |
15860 TL | Mini Soldering Station | 1 | $14.95 | $14.95 |
Sparkfun | ||||
Wiring Platform | DEV-00744 | 1 | $84.95 | $84.95 |
Radio Shack | ||||
64-025 | Lead Free Solder | 1 | $3.89 | $3.89 |
Note that the light gray items are optional, and not necessary.
Also, this list does not include some sort of power supply. Pulling one out of an old computer is an easy option. Or rechargeable batteries work well too (in which case you will need battery holders).
Last, there are special items in the book Making Things Talk that you may decide to purchase separately, such as flex sensors, or bluetooth boards, etc.
You can store your electronics in much the same way you store your small LEGO parts. Check out the article on Storage.
Enjoy Hacking!
Posted under electronics, hacking
This post was written by admin on August 31, 2008